Sunday, December 5, 2010

Official Penn State Wrestling Singlets

Puess after a few months, I've finished the first quarter last .
And I am about to tell you that, for subjects to follow a guide xD I

Catalan. In Catalan we do nothing. We are the scratch with both hands. And there's little to say. The book is rare, and presents films, so that we do, watching movies. But precisely these films are not dubbed into Catalan, and we see in Castilian. So all we do is watch movies in Catalan in Castilian. I'm still trying to understand. At the moment 've seen "The Name of the Rose", which leaves the protagonist of "unidentified" of young man (Y is the same.) and "Perfume", the guy is zumbadísimo. Oh, and the teacher takes every opportunity to get bizarre music.

Castilian. In Castilian do more, but not too much, basically because the teacher will not cuensta much beating around the bush. The other day was about 20 minutes explaining a war in which mercenaries were hired Basques, just because Baron was Basque, and of course, we freaking out. But equally, that teacher is awesome.

EF. Ahem ... I have approved. All we do is subnormal. I do not normally see in a 1 º de Bachillerato make us play the cop-cop, dammit. As I said, they are 2 hours straight, and as you understand, just with that little dog tongue hanging out. And now with the change of quarter, it is up to the 9 out, and we spent the cold is not normal. The teacher takes centuries to come out, ye we're supposed to go while running, asíu you have to choose between passing or running cold. And cool that way, bucking.

CMC (Science in the contemporary world). The course is a major hoax. It's the ugly side of biology and social, which talks about ecology and renewable energy. We did do a pair work recently. We can say that had to be about 4 times because in class did not leave anything decent. Although the truth, not intetabamos to leave anything, is a bad influence Lluís xD Now we have to do another job (same fucking theme) then some (we'll exchange Netherlands) will be translated and English presetnarlo.

Philosophy. Philosophy is curious, because we make another agenda than other classes of 1, super full. Depends on what you're giving, mola. On Friday we are in the music room and Álvaro touch something on the piano.

Physics. Ah, my archenemy physics. Professor Moss reminds me of "The IT crowd", they talk like that. And not much más que decir de física. Siempre la hacemos en clases con taburetes. Odio los focking taburetes con toda mi alma.

Química. Menos archienemiga que la física, pero tampoco somos mejores amigas. La profesora me cae bien, pero me trata como si fuera una subnormalita que se esfuerza mucho. El otro día le pregunté si una cosa estaba bien y me dijo que sí, que buen trabajo, y me dio golpecitos en el hombro. Me quedé con una cara de "WTF?" tremenda.

Biologia. Biologia mola. Hasta el momento hemos hecho unos temas un poco feos, pero ahora empieza genética y no está tan mal. La profe es awesome. Somos mil y pico en clase, así que siempre estamos apretujados. We did a tour and made us ahcer the moron for the forest through rarunos sites and narrow. What happens fatal, with the little field that I am xD

Math. not too bad, depends on the subject. Now we are with trigonometry. Mola trigonometry. The teacher basically get live homework, loves.

English. There is much talk in English. This year I do an exchange with the Netherlands, in February and April are going. With win, but I do like to travel to Italy, not to mention more to go.

And that's basically what I'm doing this year. As you can see, I'm quite the subnormal xD
class no longer look so FOMUDE as before, and I managed to learn the names of the 21 guys xD (Some, thank god, repeated).
And that's all.


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