Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cervix Low And Sensitive

Fitting Room Fitting Room Bilbao already here!!

Mañana Fitting Room en Bilbao !!!!! Here ye that hope not miss it!!

Valeria Lebanon in room 227 !! Free admission OS WAIT! And then .... FIESTAAAAAAAA !!

Melia Hotel Bilbao, c / Lehendakari Leizaola, Friday from 17:00 am to 21:00 pm and Saturday from 11:00 am to 20:00 h!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tally Internal Memory Error

Well, I've already started the course.
This year I started high school and 1 st. Scientific mode.
The class pretty well, note that this is no longer the ESO and do not require almost anyone to go to class.
Of course, in class T_T Well I'm single, with b Álvaro, but without my friends ...
Well, at least in the "Mode" in all I'm going with Nana.
And guess how many girls are in my class xD 4! And 2 we llamamos Alba, manda huevos xD 4 de 25...
Por poner inconvenientes podría decir que mis libros son todos de 1,5 cm de grosor cada uno, más o menos. Y que como las libretas de colores son de 5 y tengo 6 asignaturas cada día, tengo que llevar 2 libretacas. Y también que en mi centro en bachillerato tocan las peores aulas, las de taburetes y mesas/sillas de estas (La de la foto parece bastante cómoda... las de mi insti son así pero todo madera, versión incómoda). Así que vamos, que tengo la espalda jodida del todo. Pero bueno U_U
Y la EF este año es horrible, porque son 2h seguidas xD Acabo muerta xD

Y poco más que contar, de momento os tendreis que confirmar con esto, today I'm lack of imagination and my back hurts xD

How Many Grams Of Minerals

Vogue Fashion's Night Out 2010

On September 9 held in major world capitals over the Vogue Fashion's Night Out ...!

One night fashion, luxury and Shopping ... shops open until 12 pm ... parties ... Entertainment ...!!!!

And how well they could enjoy tonight in Madrid , the English capital chosen for this c elebración global fashion, with all my friends !! ILOVEU!

Here some photos of the stores that were.

(Note: Some photos are caught in the web pages, blogs and facebook's own stores)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How Much Is Real Pearl Earrings


now, there are very few days for Fitting Room Bilbao and not stopped working! My study is a real madness ...!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Japanese Public Moleste

Himma the ungrateful THE BAD AND DONKEY KONG

have not got anyone that asks and requires them and which does not conform with what it gets?!
This song goes out to all those who demand no longer give and share and do not respect because they did not appreciate the reality or because they have deceived an evil intentions @ s @ s. jijiji
Hear the original version by CLICK HERE