xD Well, let's major gifts = D
This year Santa brought me "Ash City" but as my parents are very clever, because it is the second part xDU So I had to go down to the library to exchange it for the first and is now responsible xD
Los Reyes, for better, in my house are more than Reyes (Men, eh? xD). In my home I brought the speakers (not official xDD) for the iPod, and also have clock and stuff, so perfect (because I broke the other due a series of accidental falls).
And then, as every year, I went shopping with my aunts and my cousin (paternal family) to Maria for the gifts of Kings, so one day I went to lunch, slept there and went the next day everybody shopping day = 3 (the end of the day we give up sucks, so bag xDU)
So I bought some converse blue pajamas, a fastener set with pajamas (From the Women Secret, some cookies shaped such person xDD) and 7 books, including:
- Tara's daughters - Laura Gallego
- the Wandering King Legend - Laura Gallego
- Black Wings - Laura Gallego
- Antichrista - Amélie Nothomb
- Biography of hunger - Amélie Nothomb
- Matafísica tubes - Amélie Nothomb
Ybueno, Christmas had been some pretty cool, if we take the party started on a Friday classes (Yesterday T_T) and had a mountain of homework, and even 1 exam in Physics and Chemistry in the early hours (I did well, I think that is approved xDD)
Finally, for that xD
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