Thursday, December 30, 2010

Violation Japanese Metro

Last year, if you remember well, I made an entry with the times I went to the movies, and I decided that since I keep the tickets, I'll do it every year ^ ^
This year I've gone half the time more or less, have fallen from 15 to 7, very bad, I know xD

  • The Lovely Bones "The film of the book" The Lovely Bones. " I spent all afternoon with my mother buscnado a movie that was, we found the 3 º xD I dropped the phone in the room ... I spent that bad. I realized when I got home, and my father had to go back for it. Thank god, I had not caught anyone, and the mobile is still with me xD With film cried her eyes out.
  • Alice in Wonderland-In this, just remember that the white queen was about cejotes enormous and troubled me throughout the movie. Is that they eyebrows, my god.
  • Iron Man 2 - I had to do before the priemera because he had not seen, and as I liked it pal 'movies.
  • Toy Story 3 - I was Alice's birthday. Were C, S, Alice and I to eat there, and then to see it. It was the first performance in 3D. S was with Woody and all the children looked on with envy.
  • The Karate Kid "I'm going to make one thing clear: the martial arts tournaments are not fun. The public is not enthusiastic cries. I've been to tournaments in taekwondo and is a pain. But if you take away that the movie is good.
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I-I went with Nana to her. The room was small and somewhat claustrophobic. Before beginning we were discussing what happens in the book, but we were shit that someone would listen and spoiler xD
  • The Chronicles of Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn "I was excited to see this because this is my favorite book Narnia, and I'm not too disappointed. Fitting your not the best in the world but not bad. I went with Alice and S, we saw it in 3D. Samus had just returned from NY, and had so much lag that fell asleep for a while
xD And I'm afraid that's all films for this year, because I believe that tomorrow xD go
And that's all for now =)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Famous People Having Harnia


My daughter asked me, what things he would ask the Child Jesus, and told him that these gifts are preferred more intellectual and had swapped time the "up" on skills (Inside of me I interpret as skill upgrades.)
I said
I want to do better musician and a better doctor!
and received three special things that December 24
1 .- A phone call from Luis Romero (producer Franco De Vita), where I said:
"Merry Christmas Portu! If you have time we met on Wednesday to continue the song! " (Song that did not work from November) really felt like a gift, good indeed, Luis and I are composing a song, and I is charging! with arrangements and production of it, both music and lyrics of mine, where I sing and I will touch only the battery ... he will do the rest! (This is the first time I stopped producing and give up the throne a "Producer").
2 .- The thirteen (13) Beatles records.
3 .- Three (3) pairs of drum sticks from Neil Peart (Rush drummer), Japanese white cedar "Shira Kashi," created for the new tour "Time Machine" by Rush.
4 .- I guess that also made me a better doctor but that did not see it (I think there is a cap) jijiji
If these gifts do not inspire me to be a better musician, then you can not!
So my parents, my children, wrist and some friends went to the studio of Louis, the day he invited me, which coincided with my birthday and we celebrated there with a barrage of burgers and much, much clight pineapple!
ps: note that during the rain had put the gown burgers ...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Why Does My Dog Rub Against Furniture Like A Cat

This Christmas have been governed by the enjoyment of 3D technology that the Child Jesus and St. Nicholas have brought my friends!
I could understand and manipulate 3D TV equipment and understand the technology from the point of view of the neophyte, but the two I've been enjoying TV-Sony, and I can not comment as compared with the Samsung, LG, Toshiba, etc. . As you know
these sets can convert the signal to a normal 2D 3D simulated signal (by pressing a button), which has little appeal.
On the other hand, with the new disc format Blu-ray ", called" Blu-ray 3D "is when you really appreciate this technology, as well as games of" Playstation 3 "3D (example: Super Stardust HD Tron 3D and 3D).
Among the documentaries I have seen there are the documentaries "Imax" in "Blu-ray 3D", of which "Deep Sea 3D" has been the best (although I'm not invited to the Space Station, narrated by Tom Cruise and filmed in collaboration with NASA).
I saw the movie "A Christmas Carol 3D" (very good), "Polar Express 3D "(good) and the super spectacular" Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 3D (3D Burgers Rain), are in "Blu-ray 3D" and in the coming days "Alice in Wonderland 3D" and My Favorite Villain 3D ...
As they say: better to have a friend with a pool to have a pool ... I still believe that this applies to this technology as expensive and with so little variety of titles.
The leaves Jul. 28 3D Blu-ray Resident Evil 4 and Jan. 2 (2) titles ...
the year 2011 is announced a television channel with 3D material 24 hours a day, created by a joint venture between Imax Discovery Channel and Sony, but still no release date.
What if I can say is that having this technology serves as an excuse to meet friends and family and share time as he did not, and more so if the screen is very big ... and 60 inches!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How To Cook A Deer Tip Roast

Phew! A month without putting a new post on the blog but here we go again!

This time is for announce that you can now find "jewels" of Valeria Lebanon in Moca in Bilbao store and I am very happy!

Moca is one of the boutiques most exclusive of this city, and it can find international brands of prêt-à-porter , designers like Rock & Republic, Anna Sui and Luella Bartley (btw I love ...) and accessories incredible.

I leave photos of stuff from my collection that are for sale in Moca and you know ... if you like something and you were good @ s ... Ask him to Santa!

And the address that you go:

C / Gran Via 41

It's Been Almost a moth Since my last post but here I am again!
This time i have some good news for you. From now on you can find Valeria Libano´s jewelry in Moca, Bilbao and I´m sooo happy!!

This is a very exclusive store where you can find prêt-à-porter, designers such as Rock&Republic, Anna Sui or Luella Bartley and incredible accessories.
Here you have a few pics of some of the collections you can find in this store and...If you like something... you can always ask Santa Claus!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Drinks Princess Cruises


As has been hard life for duck hunting season ...
Even now that they have taken photos and sent information, somewhat manipulated information (which makes it more interesting), demonstrating the loyalty that this bird has white shag your duck (Duck Pig).
Man in his quest for success, keeps vigil waiting to catch back to two (2) ducks with a single shot!
What scientists wonder: Will this
white duck "even" is waiting for the kiss back cormorant Duck (Duck Pig)?
Even knowing that the cormorant Duck (Duck Pig) does not like these affections!
Others breed but they inevitably meet to be used, although both take care of each other, for various reasons ... are very different, although they share the lack of "true" sincerity and lack of face "reality" of life!
Such is the nature, could have been with dogs, but ended up with ducks ...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Official Penn State Wrestling Singlets

Puess after a few months, I've finished the first quarter last .
And I am about to tell you that, for subjects to follow a guide xD I

Catalan. In Catalan we do nothing. We are the scratch with both hands. And there's little to say. The book is rare, and presents films, so that we do, watching movies. But precisely these films are not dubbed into Catalan, and we see in Castilian. So all we do is watch movies in Catalan in Castilian. I'm still trying to understand. At the moment 've seen "The Name of the Rose", which leaves the protagonist of "unidentified" of young man (Y is the same.) and "Perfume", the guy is zumbadísimo. Oh, and the teacher takes every opportunity to get bizarre music.

Castilian. In Castilian do more, but not too much, basically because the teacher will not cuensta much beating around the bush. The other day was about 20 minutes explaining a war in which mercenaries were hired Basques, just because Baron was Basque, and of course, we freaking out. But equally, that teacher is awesome.

EF. Ahem ... I have approved. All we do is subnormal. I do not normally see in a 1 º de Bachillerato make us play the cop-cop, dammit. As I said, they are 2 hours straight, and as you understand, just with that little dog tongue hanging out. And now with the change of quarter, it is up to the 9 out, and we spent the cold is not normal. The teacher takes centuries to come out, ye we're supposed to go while running, asíu you have to choose between passing or running cold. And cool that way, bucking.

CMC (Science in the contemporary world). The course is a major hoax. It's the ugly side of biology and social, which talks about ecology and renewable energy. We did do a pair work recently. We can say that had to be about 4 times because in class did not leave anything decent. Although the truth, not intetabamos to leave anything, is a bad influence Lluís xD Now we have to do another job (same fucking theme) then some (we'll exchange Netherlands) will be translated and English presetnarlo.

Philosophy. Philosophy is curious, because we make another agenda than other classes of 1, super full. Depends on what you're giving, mola. On Friday we are in the music room and Álvaro touch something on the piano.

Physics. Ah, my archenemy physics. Professor Moss reminds me of "The IT crowd", they talk like that. And not much más que decir de física. Siempre la hacemos en clases con taburetes. Odio los focking taburetes con toda mi alma.

Química. Menos archienemiga que la física, pero tampoco somos mejores amigas. La profesora me cae bien, pero me trata como si fuera una subnormalita que se esfuerza mucho. El otro día le pregunté si una cosa estaba bien y me dijo que sí, que buen trabajo, y me dio golpecitos en el hombro. Me quedé con una cara de "WTF?" tremenda.

Biologia. Biologia mola. Hasta el momento hemos hecho unos temas un poco feos, pero ahora empieza genética y no está tan mal. La profe es awesome. Somos mil y pico en clase, así que siempre estamos apretujados. We did a tour and made us ahcer the moron for the forest through rarunos sites and narrow. What happens fatal, with the little field that I am xD

Math. not too bad, depends on the subject. Now we are with trigonometry. Mola trigonometry. The teacher basically get live homework, loves.

English. There is much talk in English. This year I do an exchange with the Netherlands, in February and April are going. With win, but I do like to travel to Italy, not to mention more to go.

And that's basically what I'm doing this year. As you can see, I'm quite the subnormal xD
class no longer look so FOMUDE as before, and I managed to learn the names of the 21 guys xD (Some, thank god, repeated).
And that's all.