Last year, if you remember well, I made an entry with the times I went to the movies, and I decided that since I keep the tickets, I'll do it every year ^ ^
This year I've gone half the time more or less, have fallen from 15 to 7, very bad, I know xD
- The Lovely Bones "The film of the book" The Lovely Bones. " I spent all afternoon with my mother buscnado a movie that was, we found the 3 º xD I dropped the phone in the room ... I spent that bad. I realized when I got home, and my father had to go back for it. Thank god, I had not caught anyone, and the mobile is still with me xD With film cried her eyes out.
- Alice in Wonderland-In this, just remember that the white queen was about cejotes enormous and troubled me throughout the movie. Is that they eyebrows, my god.
- Iron Man 2 - I had to do before the priemera because he had not seen, and as I liked it pal 'movies.
- Toy Story 3 - I was Alice's birthday. Were C, S, Alice and I to eat there, and then to see it. It was the first performance in 3D. S was with Woody and all the children looked on with envy.
- The Karate Kid "I'm going to make one thing clear: the martial arts tournaments are not fun. The public is not enthusiastic cries. I've been to tournaments in taekwondo and is a pain. But if you take away that the movie is good.
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I-I went with Nana to her. The room was small and somewhat claustrophobic. Before beginning we were discussing what happens in the book, but we were shit that someone would listen and spoiler xD
- The Chronicles of Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn "I was excited to see this because this is my favorite book Narnia, and I'm not too disappointed. Fitting your not the best in the world but not bad. I went with Alice and S, we saw it in 3D. Samus had just returned from NY, and had so much lag that fell asleep for a while
And that's all for now =)